Near Death Experience

It was 16th August 2011, a hot blazing sun at noon to be exact.
A nice weather to go out actually to do errands especially
during these rainy seasons which somehow brings about a heavy traffic.
Prior to that - it was an issue with a long overdue toothache.
Few weeks actually which I had managed to submerge it with pain killers
which eventually lead to a bad rotting tooth - chipping off bit by bit.

Yes, it was an afternoon I would not forget.
The "drill" was fast. Literally. I'm making mention of the extraction
and the whole procedure lasted in minutes.
I did tarry a bit in the waiting area.
Wondering if I made the right decision in losing a tooth.

The Dental Clinic was about 15 minutes away from my office.
That's when the minutes suddenly froze.
As I was riding my bike. The next thing I was taken.

It was a vision/dreamlike state where I was in church.
It appeared to be like that church setting and there were 4 guys waiting for me.
They wore black robes with the hood on.
One facing me and the 3 was at by back.
All of them spoke in tongues & in unison.
The guy in front placed his hands on my chest,
and I felt a slight breathless nudge.
Then then, piece of cloth was upon my shoulder and it turned into gold
and covered into a robe.

I was excited - ready to go where the angels lead me.
It was the most joyful moment of my life - the very emotion that I can remember.
It happened - as swiftly as the next moment,
that I was hovering above the whole scene but I heard a voice saying:


The next thing I remember is that I was lifted-up by my shoulders.
With my face on the ground with a pool of blood.
"What's all that- just a dream?"
I felt utterly sad that I was robbed from my joy - that boundless joy.
Then in seconds - I had forgotten about the whole thing.
I remember that I was glad and sad that I lost that joy.
But couldn't remember why.
The pain in the chest took my thoughts away.

When I regained consciousness,
I saw cars had stopped a few distance from me from my face.
There was heavy traffic jam & few policemen handling the traffic.
Few people helped me up,
I realized then, I had a broken nose.
And strangely - also lost my ability to talk.
And a strong feeling of sleep over took me again.
The policemen kept asking me - did you see who hit you.
And that I keep my eyes open.

Another few minutes, another reality kicked in: PAIN.
Then what took so long - an ambulance that took me for a roller coaster ride.
I cannot imagine how & what took place during the accident.
It really didn't make sense.
I had a very bad slide on my backside - to a point that it shaved right through my pants to my wallet.
The right side of my bike is severely dented from the back.
I was awoken facing down with the opposite direction on the highway - cars facing in front of me.

I had forgotten the whole vision,
Very much later, in the night when I was hospitalized
and my wife asked my brother to collect a hooded sweater
as I was shivering from a shock...

"Hooded sweater!!!"
That rang - a lost memory back of how it all happened.
I was not able to talk properly.
The shivering subsided after 2 days
and the chest pain lasted a few weeks.
Enough for me to replay the whole dream - over & over again.

I shared this to my pastor who also gifted with a prophetic ministry.
She mentioned that she will discern and pray for me.
I asked a couple of times (lasted more than a few months) of what it means.
I was told to wait and I patiently waited.
After months of waiting came this reply:

I was told an answer that she is busy with the Church camp,
and that she will be busy with the youths’ missionary trip to India
and then the coming concert at the end of the year.

And so,
she is too busy doing church stuff that she has no time to discern my experience.

Anyway, I learned to accept that if a prophet doesn't keep the honor of righteousness,
then it is best to let go into God's hands.

Until God gives the direction and the meaning of what needs to be done, everything else is folly.


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