What it Means to be Set Apart for God

Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself;
the LORD will hear when I call to him.
Psalm 4:3

This is the most trying moments of my life,
together with other personal problems added
- it seemed I have become very negative and see everything in a skeptical point of view.

I wonder what happened to my faith, being tried and tested in a furnace of fire..
(it's not like you turn to gold in one day)

Added to my negativity,
l realized and had become a product of my environment.
And going with that flow
- it's not easy to accept the other fact that I had easily swayed
into the mud slinging of blame the game of
"poor me - pity me" factor...

Coming back, can God use a negative orientated person?

When all the murmuring, complaining, dis-grunting issues of everything that appears to be wrong,
then after all that, can that person comes up in front,
put up a big smile and say:
"Let's Praise & Worship God"??

In fact, I know how well I had become an expect with devising my words in making it sound proper in identifying other people's mistakes (you get better at it over the years of practice)

Suddenly, it feels inside:
"Oh God! I'm a Hypocrite!!!"

(yeah.. another set of Biblical verses floods in - picking a splinter from your brother's eye)

Still, it's amazing to note how God pinches my ears and lift me up.
I realize my mistake on what I had missed:
seeing all the small issue and missed to look at the big picture.

I missed those times when it was like the times of old where musicians and singers come together and worshiped God. During the ancient times worship was considered sacred.

King David instituted the Levites to bring praises & worship in the Presence of God.
He also selected 288 men to play their instruments in praise to God,
while Jeduthun and others prophesied. (II Chronicles 29:25, I Chronicles 25:1-3 )

At one time 4000 men were used to praise the Lord with instruments. (I Chronicles 23:5)

This is the case where great importance of worship was given by King David,
a man who is after God's heart.
I realized also that when a worship leader becomes critical concerning certain aspects of worship
- it's because of this DNA-chip installed in each worshipers heart:

To give the best and all that is within the capacity to give all the best unto the Lord.

I also realized that many would not understand this
as they might not have experienced what David might had experienced.
And so the Tug-O-War is real when it comes to those who are not so favorable in the area of worship.

It takes a lot for the worship leader to stay connected with God,
working together with the musicians & back-up singers and leading the people into the Presence of God.

Its like juggling while cycling a unicycle on a tightrope.
Any moment you lose focus in any of these areas and you will lose your balance.
That's why many of these jugglers (worship leaders) fall and God picks them up.

And then, when you call upon the LORD,
He will hear you.


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