When Worship Service becomes a Showmanship

What happens when a Worship Service is nothing but a show?

It's like it had arrived to a place where when you see your computer desktop screen and noticed the screensaver automatically playing by itself, a program.

When you look at the worship team singing and praising God
but you can't help but notice the attitude of the church members careless to join together in worship, rather they treat it like a they are attending a show or a set-up where it's a pub or a bar where singers sing and they watch them at their own comfort zone,
doing your own thing.

The red sticker with a gentle note or a warning saying,
Had become null and void,

I wonder why do they trouble themselves coming to church
and make others a stumbling block with their attitude towards worship

Where are all the hands that should be raised worshiping God?
Rather they are now, busy texting and playing mobile games during worship?
What happened to the parents who supposed to teach their young ones about honor & the fear of God?

When worship has become a show,
you will find the pastors / elders are not concerned about the spiritual atmosphere;
Rather his believe will anchor on the works that worship to God
is not singing rather serving in goodwill and charity works carry far more weight than vocal praises.

Let Us Look at Scriptures:

God is Supreme.
Whether we vocally worship Him in spirit or truth,
the sacrifice of the fruit of our lips are for our own benefit.

We all worship something.
Better we worship God and when we get that right,
everything else will fall right in its place.

If not, the "other gods" will take its place.
The idolatry of fame, power, status, lifestyle, career, money, luxury, possessions, popularity and all things vain. The things that fills the gap, a hole where only God can will.

Worship comes from the heart to glorify God.
Any other motivation is but a folly.
This happens when the heart is filled with pride.
When pride had become a norm
and considered an acceptable behavior.

When you see this wrong habit takes place and the leadership had failed to correct the wrong behavior,
Others who sees this at consider this as an acceptable behavior.
Before you know it, half of the church refuse to actively worship,
those who walks in early and behave passively,
the ones that walks in late and skips worship and consider that unimportant.

It is the responsibility of the pastors and elders in the church to correct this problem.

Better to skip the worship all together than to make a mockery of it.
Why set up a table for a feast for a king but throw away the food and none of the guest appear?
Better not invite the banquet in the first place.

Wisdom is far more valuable to consider here.
Honor God rather than pleasing the people.
Worship is not for a Show..
It is a Sacrifice.

It is a Sacrifice where regardless of how you feel, how bad your day, how everything else appears to be:

Praising & Worshiping God is Due where Glory is Required of it.
When it is given even though you don't feel like it;
Giving it like a sacrifice.

God's Grace overcomes it and Breakthrough takes place.
Chains get Broken, Bondages Broken, Healing takes place.
Restoration and Peace comes flooding.
God comes and Gives that extra nudge to help carry on.

Sometimes we forget and fall into our comfort zones.
And when that comfort zone become our priority,
We missed out the big picture.


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